Archive - 2025 LWV Rochester program recordings
Legislative Interviews (Zoom) - Districts 24 & 25
Wednesday, Jan. 29
The recording is available at: forthcoming
All six state legislators representing Minnesota Districts 24 and 25 (Rochester) were invited to share their viewpoints on issues identified as top priorities by LWV MN for the 2025 Minnesota legislative session. Legislators s who were able to join us included Sen. Liz Boldon and Reps Tina Liebling, Sue Hicks, and Andy Smith.
Each legislator was asked about their own top priorities for this legislative session, and then to address questions developed by LWV MN on the following topics:
• Elections administration: How to ensure a balance between voter access and election security.
• Redistricting reform that ensures citizen involvement, prioritizing minority representation & communities of interest above geographic and political considerations, and is transparent through public input and review.
• Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
• Climate change and ideas to foster solutions for zero waste, natural resource protection, and government accountability.
A tumultuous start of the current legislative session may have prevent invited guests Sen. Carla Nelson and Rep. Duane Quam from attending our event.
Archive - 2024 LWV Rochester program recordings
Meet, Greet, & Eat with your newly-elected Local Officials
Saturday, December 14 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church (this gathering was not recorded)
New local government representatives introduced themselves and met in small groups with event attendees. Our recently elected guests were:
City Council members Dan Doering (Ward 6) & Nick Miller (Ward 2)
City Council President (at large) Randy Schubring
Rochester Public School board member-to-be Stephanie Whitehorn (Position 7)
Note: City Council member-to-be Andy Friederichs (Ward 4) was unable to attend, but provided a message read at the event. State Representative Tina Leibling and Olmsted County Commissioner Laurel Podulke Smith were in the audience.
Our guests each gave a very short introduction, including issues they are focused on heading into their terms. The new electees then rotated from table to table to mingle with the public and learn their concerns. It was an excellent session, despite wintery weather.Minnesota Elections Are Secure and Accurate
Saturday, April 27
Christiaan Cartwright, Interim Deputy City Clerk of Rochester & Luke Turner, Olmsted County Elections Manager
Watch their excellent presentation HERENitrates In The News - Are They In Your Water?
Tuesday, March 26
The recording is available at:
Do they address nitrates in groundwater? Yes. Do they do more than that? Yes! If you missed our recent program with Olmsted Country Soil & Water Conservation District (OCSWCD) representatives, you can watch the recording now. (The nitrate information starts at minute 53:30.) Thank you to our guest speakers Skip Langer and James Rentz.
Here are some helpful links from the presentation:Videos highlighting projects and programs being worked on in Olmsted County -
OCSWCD Tree, plant, and seed sale -
Tap In: Safe Drinking Water for Private Well Users video -
Follow and Like Olmsted County SWCD on Facebook -
A Roof Over Our Heads
Wednesday, February 21
The recording is available at:
A discussion of homelessness in conjunction with the Rochester chapter of AAUW. Guest speakers Dave Dunn of Olmsted County, Jeff Urban of Bear Creek Church, and Minnesota Senator Liz Boldon.
Homelessness is a harsh reality across our country, including many in the Rochester area. How are our local governments responding to the need for temporary shelter, low-income housing, and affordable housing?
Archive - 2024 candidate forums
2024 candidate forum events for general election
Thank you to all of the candidates who participated in the 2024 LWVR candidate forums and to the people who attended forums, watched recordings, and submitted questions.
MN Representative 25A: Kim Hicks, Ken Navitsky - House 25A Recording
MN Representative 25B: Andrew Smith, Wes Lund - House 25B Recording
MN Representative 24A: Duane Quam, Heather Holmes - House 24A Recording (Note: forum begins @ 5:20)
MN Representative 24B: Tina Liebling, Dan Sepeda - House 24B Recording (Note: forum begins at minute 9:20)
MN Representative 20B: Steven Jacob, Michael Hutchinson - House 20B Recording (Note: forum begins @ 3:40)
District 3 Olmsted County Commission: Gregg Wright, April Sutor - County Commissioner District 3 Recording (Note: forum begins @ 5:30)
District 6 Olmsted County Commission: Bob Hopkins, Tawonda Burks - County Commissioner District 6 Recording (Note: forum begins @ 7:30)
Ward 2 Rochester City Council seat: Nick Miller, Tripp Welch - City Council Ward 2 Recording (Note: forum begins @ 6:30)
Ward 4 Rochester City Council seat: Kelly Rae Kirkpatrick, Andy Friederichs - City Council Ward 4 Recording
Ward 6 Rochester City Council seat: Dan Doering, Mark Schleusner - City Council Ward 6 Recording (Note: forum begins @ 3:50)
Rochester City Council Member at Large (President): Shaun Palmer, Randy Schubring - City Council President Recording (Note: forum begins @ 4:00)
ISD 535 School Board Seat 1: Don Barlow, Patrick Farmer - School Board Seat 1 Recording
ISD 535 School Board Seat 3: Karen MacLaughlin, John Whelan - School Board Seat 3 Recording (Note: forum begins @ 2:50)
ISD 535 School Board Seat 7: Stephanie Whitehorn, Christina Barton - School Board Seat 7 Recording (Note: forum begins @ 2:45)
Superintendent Pekel's August 12th information session about the Rochester Public Schools referendum in November - link to recording Note: LWV Rochester does not have a position on this issue, and neither supports nor opposes the 2024 ISD535 operating levy referendum.
2024 candidate forum events for primary election
Monday, July 22 : LWV-R Candidate Forum
held at the Rochester Public Library
Rochester City Council Ward 2 - link to recordingTuesday, July 23 : LWV-R Candidate Forum
held at the Rochester Public Library
Rochester City Council Ward 4 - link to recordingThursday, July 25 : LWV-R Candidate Forum
held at the Rochester Public Library
Rochester City Council Ward 6 - link to recordingMonday, July 29 : LWV-R Candidate Forum
held at the Rochester Public Library
Rochester City Council President - link to recordingTuesday, July 30 : LWV-R Candidate Forum
held at the Rochester Public Library
Olmsted Co Commissioner District 3 - link to recording
Archive - 2023 LWV Rochester program recordings
Who is Amelia Witherstine and why would we want a statue of her in Rochester?
Saturday, December 9
Born in 1861, Amelia was the first woman elected (in 1915) to the Rochester School Board, and she was a supporter of the Women’s Suffrage Amendment. The 19th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified in Minnesota in June of 1919.
Our guest speakers, Judy Hickey and Virginia Wright-Peterson, will share more about the effort to recognize this woman of historic importance by erecting a statue in Rochester. Statues For Equality is an international effort by sculpture artists Gillie and Marc to increase the representation of women in statuary throughout the world.
Judy Hickey is executive director for the Greater Rochester Arts & Cultural Trust. Virginia Wright-Peterson is a local author and will provide historical research for the project. Together they will offer a fascinating look into our local history, the life of Amelia Witherstine, and why it’s important to finally honor women in this public way. There will be time for questions.
Please join us. Enjoy a holiday baked goods and coffee, socialize with fellow League members and supporters, and get to know Amelia Witherstine and the Statues for Equality project.
This event is free and open to the public with no registration required.Rochester Public Schools Capital Projects Levy Referendum Information Session
Wednesday, October 11, 2023
The recording is available at:
Rochester Public Schools (RPS) Superintendent Dr. Kent Pekel presented information about RPS’ upcoming 2023 Capital Projects Levy Referendum, “Technology for Transformation,” that will be on the ballot in November. Dr. Pekel discussed the purpose and impact the levy would have on the school district's educational and operational performance, as well as the financial impact the levy would have on Rochester homeowners and businesses.Rochester City Sales Tax Extension Information
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 from 7:00-8:00 PM
The recording is available at:
City of Rochester presented information about the city sales tax extension that will be on the ballot on November 7. The City of Rochester is pursuing a renewal of the existing 0.5% sales tax. A Local Option Sales Tax has been in place since the 1980s, and it was most recently renewed in 2012. The City is requesting the following four projects be funded with sales tax revenue: Economic Vitality Fund, Street Reconstruction, Flood Control and Water Quality, and Regional Sports and Recreation Complex. Please view the recording on the the Library's YouTube channel.It was a pleasure to see so many at our September 7. 2023 Trivia Night, enjoying the camaraderie, food, fun, and prizes. We also learned a thing or two about elections, history, and the 2023 MN legislative session. These resources were helpful in our preparation.
Thank you to Cate Stacey, Mayor Kim Norton, and County Commissioner Dave Senjem for speaking at our "How Green Can We Be" event.
The recording is available at
Here are some other interesting and useful links shared by participants.City of Rochester "Sustainability & Resiliency Community Work Plan" EarthFest Rochester -
April 22 EarthFest Expo at Northrop Community Center - Education class on April 19:
Incentives (EV's, solar, heat pumps, efficiency…) How do I pay for these? - linkGreen Business Recognition newsletter -
Green Drinks (monthly meet-ups with other folks interested in sustainability) -
We Care Solar: students in Calif. are making solar panels, the company has inquired about implementing this in Minnesota -
Archive - 2022 LWV Rochester program recordings
Thursday, September 15, 2022 - watch the recorded virtual session
How will a Changing Climate in Southeast Minnesota Impact Public Health?
Kenneth Blumenfeld, PhD, Senior Climatologist, Climatology Office, Div Ecological Water Resources, Minn. Dept. of Natural Resources
Cody Miller, Environmental Health Specialist, Olmsted County Public Health Services
Sarah Stevens, Public Health Nurse Manager, Olmsted County Public Health ServicesSaturday, April 23, 2022 - not recorded
LWVR's Annual Program 2022 - Zumbro Lutheran Church
The Rochester chapter of the League of Women Voters held its annual program and meeting, featuring local author Virginia Wright-Peterson who spoke about her most recent book Rochester: The City You Thought You Knew.
Ms. Wright-Peterson shared stories about amazing, groundbreaking women of Minnesota. She is a member of the writing faculty of the University of Minnesota - Rochester. She has a Ph.D. in English and has written two books about women of Minnesota, including A Woman's War, Too.March 30, 2022 - watch the recorded virtual session! and link to the slide deck
Sustainable & Resilient Rochester by City of Rochester staff
- Lauren Jensen, Sustainability Coordinator
- Scot Ramsey, Manager of Facilities & Property
Transformational partnerships (public/private) are advancing the next generation of climate action. In 2017 the City of Rochester adopted an Energy Action Plan which outlined goals for reduced energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Rochester has been working to achieve these goals, building a culture of sustainability through policy implementation, organizational leadership, and community engagement. Recent projects include the development of a district energy system and the creation of a Sustainability and Resiliency Community Work Plan.
Scot gives an overview of the City’s decision to pursue a district energy system and the phases of this project. Lauren outlines the Sustainability & Resiliency Community Work Plan, highlighting focus areas, strategies, and tactics for the City and community partners to pursue. The handout is avaiable here and please visit the City of Rochester webpage on the topic.February 9, 2022 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Courts and their effect on youth and young voters
Join in a conversation about how our court system protects youth, led by Judge Deb Jacobson, a retired senior judge from Rochester. Judge Jacobson worked for the county attorney's office from 1981 - 1993, working with criminal cases as well as social services. She was appointed to the bench in 1993, where she then served for 23 years. Judge Jacobson will discuss the process of electing vs. appointing judges, and then share various ways in which youth interact with our judicial system. She will share various ways in which the courts protect the rights of youth, as well as how the system has grown to better meet their needs.February 5, 2022 virtual program
Impact on Issues: Public Policy Positions of the US LWV
LWV Rochester members gathered review policy positions of the national League of Women Voters. The League has always used its voice both to educate and to advocate for our positions. Members of the Rochester League advocate for these positions in our local work.
In preparation for the LWV national convention, we discussed positions in the national summary Impact on Issues: 2020-2022. A range of subjects included review of consensus statements adopted over the years and policy decisions made since the 1960s. We also reviewed the Minnesota League’s current efforts to review their positions and consider proposed amendments.January 25, 2022 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Medical Aid in Dying - The Outlook in Minnesota
Dr Rebecca Thoman is a Minnesota physician, long-time LWV Minneapolis member, and is associated with Doctors For Dignity and Compassion & Choices. Legislative campaigns for medical aid in dying are gaining momentum across the nation. Ten states and the District of Columbia currently authorize the practice. Modeled after Oregon’s Death with Dignity law, the Minnesota End-of-Life Option Act would authorize medical aid in dying so that terminally ill Minnesotans of sound mind may ask for and receive prescribed medication they could choose to self-administer for a peaceful death. Rebecca shared the LWV Utah 2016 Death with Dignity study and subsequent information on this very important topic.
Archive - 2022 candidate forums
Statement on Candidate Forum Recordings
The League of Women Voters sponsors candidate forums to provide the public with an opportunity to hear candidates discuss the issues that are important to members of the public. The League is a nonpartisan organization that does not support or oppose any political party or candidate. The views expressed in each forum are those of the candidates, not those of the League of Women Voters. Below the LWV Rochester has posted complete, unedited recordings of forums. Editing is authorized only for official media reporting. Excerpts or edited clips of candidate forums may not be used for partisan, political purposes.2022 General Election candidate forums - All recorded sessions can be found at 11 early forum - 3rd Ward City Council Member - Vangie Castro and Norman Wahl
late forum - Olmsted County Commissioner District 4 - Brian Mueller and Kindra RamakerOct. 12 early forum - 1st Ward City Council Member - Andy Hemenway and Patrick Keane
late forum - Olmsted County Commissioner District 3 - Karl Johnson and Gregg WrightOct. 18 early forum - Olmsted County Attorney - Karen MacLaughlin and Mark Ostrem
late forum - Rochester Mayor - Kim Norton and Britt NoserOct. 19 early forum - Olmsted County Commissioner District 2 - Gabe Perkins and Dave Senjem
late forum - Olmsted County Commissioner District 1 - Laurel Podulke-Smith and Loring SteadOct. 10 early forum - 5th Ward City Council Member - Saida Omar and Shaun Palmer
late forum - Olmsted County Commissioner District 5 - Catherine Davis and Michelle RossmanSept. 28 early forum - School Board Seat 4 - John Whelan and Julie Workman
late forum - School Board Seat 2 - Justin Cook and Rae ParkerSept. 26 early forum - School Board Seat 6 - Cathy Nathan and Elena Niehoff
late forum - School Board Seat 5 - Jean Marvin and Kimberly RishavySept. 22 - MN Representative 25B- John Joseph Robinson and Andrew Smith
Sept. 21 - Minnesota Senate District 25 - Liz Boldon, Ken Navitsky, and Bill Rood
Sept. 20 - MN Representative 25A - Kim Hicks and Wendy Phillips
Sept. 19 - MN Representative 20B - Elise Diesslin and Steven E. Jacob
Sept. 14 - MN Representative 24B - Tina Liebling and Katrina Pulham
Sept. 13 - Minnesota Senate District 24 - Aleta Borrud and Carla Nelson
Sept. 12 - MN Representative 24A - Keith McLain and Duane Quam
2022 Primary Election candidate forums: link to the full Rochester Public Library playlist
July 28 - Olmsted County Commissioner 5th District - watch the recording
July 27 - Olmsted County Commissioner 4th District - watch the recording
July 21 - Rochester City Council Member 3rd Ward - watch the recording
July 20 - Rochester City Council Member 1st Ward - watch the recording
July 19 - Rochester Mayor - watch the recording
July 11 - Rochester School District 535 School Board member seat 2 - watch the recording
July 13 - Rochester School District 535 School Board member seat 5 - watch the recording
July 14 - Rochester School District 535 School Board member seat 6 - watch the recording
Archive - 2021 LWV Rochester program recordings
November 18, 2021 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Know Your Parks: An Update on the Rochester Parks Master Plan
In November 2020, 61% of Rochester voters approved a referendum granting the Park Department increased funding equal to the property tax rate increase of 0.0168% (in 2021 this was 2 million dollars). Do you wonder where they’ve used the money?
Do you know the Parks division manages 120 city parks totaling 4,200 acres as well as 85 miles of surface trails? Do you know about our newest developing park, Gamehaven Reservoir, which includes the new Driftless Disc Golf Course? When was the last time you used a Rochester Park & Rec space or facility?
Join us for a conversation with City of Rochester officials Paul Widman (Director of Parks and Recreation) and Mike Nigbur (Park and Forestry Division Head). If you want to familiarize yourself with the current Parks & Rec System Plan, you can read it here. Come with your questions about the city park plans for next year. We hope to see you there!October 28, 2021 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Redistricting Again! How will it work in Rochester/Olmsted County this time?
After every 10-year census, each unit of government evaluates the population changes: city wards, county commissioner districts, as well as state and federal legislative districts. the outcome determines who represents YOU in government.
This program focused on Rochester and Olmsted County redistricting. Paul Huffman, LWV Minnesota Redistricting Coordinator, presented "the big picture" of redistricting. Heather Heyer, Management Analyst for the City of Rochester discussed the analysis of Rochester’s wards. Ben Griffiths, Olmsted County Planning Director, discussed census impacts on county commissioner districts, townships, and other cities within the county.
The process local governments are now using to balance our population and opportunities for citizen involvement are key issues for all voters, especially as we approach the 2022 election. The meeting was co-sponsored by the Rochester Public Library, the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, Intercultural Mutual Assistance Association, NAACP, and the local Diversity Council.September 29, 2021 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Age-Friendly Olmsted County - an extended effort for regional planning
This team of local volunteers outline their 5-year effort to evaluate and anticipate our local planning needs regarding housing, transportation, community health, outdoor spaces, and civic/social metrics. This effort is sponsored by Olmsted County and AARP's Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities. Similar efforts are underway for the State of Minnesota, Hennepin County, and other cities in our region.
Please join the discussion to assure that all voices are heard in this important effort. Family Services Rochester is coordinating this project, and is actively seeking participants for the planning work group. Champions are needed from all viewpoints: urban and rural, elected officials, government agencies, nonprofits, academics, the business community, senior housing and services, community coalitions, and residents across the county.
Presenters during the session include LWVR President Anna Froehling and Board Member Ray Schmitz, Family Services Rochester staff Dave Beal and April Sutor, and Olmsted County Commissioners Gregg Wright and Sheila Kiscaden, as well as Minnesota Representative Tina Leibling.
The assessment Findings Report (June 2021) is available at this link. See Family Service Rochester AFOC page or AARP Livable Communities site for more information.May 20, 2021 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Annual Meeting of the League of Women Voters Rochester
In place of our traditional spring brunch, this special meeting was held via Zoom. Long-time LWVR members Jane Callahan and Amy Caucutt reflected on local community leaders featured in the League's book Taking The Lead: Rochester Women In Public Policy, 1970-1990, which remains available for a $20 donation, plus postage.April 14, 2021 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Know Your Local Government: Rochester School District
A panel presentation by District officials:
John Carlson, Executive Director of Finance for Rochester Public Schools
Julie Workman, ISD535 School Board, Treasurer
Karen MacLaughlin, ISD535 School Board, Director
Yasmin Ali, Mayo High School junior, student activist, Director of Public Relations for the Rochester Community InitiativeMarch 25, 2021 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Know Your Local Government: Olmsted County
A panel presentation by County officials:
- Heidi Welsch, Olmsted County Administrator
- Stephanie Podulke, Olmsted County Commission Chair
- Sheila Kiscaden, Olmsted County Commissioner, former MN State Senator
- Shikha Kumar, Rochester-Olmsted Youth CommissionerMarch 18, 2021 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Know Your Local Government: City of Rochester
To join the meeting, use this Zoom link
A panel presentation by City officials:
- Alison Zelms, recently hired City Administrator for Rochester
- Brooke Carlson, newly elected City Council President
- Nick Campion, 3rd Ward Council Member since 2014
- Sarah Strauss, John Marshall High School senior, executive member of Rochester/Olmsted County Youth Commission, and youth representative on the Rochester Library BoardFebruary 18, 2021 - watch the recorded virtual session!
What is Redistricting and Why You Should Care?
- Paul Huffman is the Redistricting Coordinator for the LWV Minnesota provides resources, tools, and information for this important process that occurs every 10 years following the census. Review Paul's slides
- Phil Wheeler is the former head of the Rochester-Olmsted County Planning Department (1990 -2013) and oversaw redistricting of the city of Rochester and Olmsted County after the past three censuses, provides a local perspective.
Review Phil's slides
view the resources handout from the LWV MinnesotaJanuary 14, 2021 - watch the recorded virtual session!
Election 2020 and the Challenges Ahead - A virtual town hall
- Steve Simon, Minnesota Secretary of State
- Kim Norton, Mayor of Rochester