Upcoming Events & Key Dates
Saturday, Feb. 1, 9:30 - 11am
Annual LWV Rochester position review gathering
All members are invited to join other local Leaguers for an informative discussion of the policy positions of LWV Minnesota, and how they relate to our community. LWVR members please feel free to bring a friend who may be interested in learning about our League and its positions on issues. Registration is required at this link and will provide the meeting location.
The Rochester League has always cared about policy issues and used our voice to educate the public and to advocate for our agreed-upon positions. This annual event gives a chance to review the state League's positions and consider our local stance. It's an opportunity to suggest new issues for which the MN League has no position, or one that we consider to be outdated or unclear.
This is a relaxed and welcoming gathering with a chance to learn more about our priorities and what feedback we choose to provide our state leaders and advocates. We'll have coffee, light refreshments, and good conversations. We hope you can join us!
You can review current LWV national and Minnesota League positions on the state website.
Voting Information
Would you consider becoming an Election Judge?
click this link
vote411.org - League of Women Voters. Since 2006 this site is has been a "one-stop-shop" for election related-information, providing nonpartisan information on general and state-specific elections, including:
Voter registration deadlines and registration forms
Absentee ballots and early voting options
Election dates, polling place locations, ID requirements
Sample ballots specific to your address
Factual data on candidates in federal, state and local races
Tips on how to watch candidate forums and debates with a critical eye
City of Rochester voting information
local candidates for election: link
Olmsted County Elections Office link
Call the Elections Office at (507) 328-7650 if you have questions or problems with voting
Office of the Minnesota Secretary of State
Campaign Information
Become an Election Judge (Olmsted County Elections): link
Campaign Sign information (City of Rochester): link
Candidates & campaign Finance Report filings
Federal Elections Commission: candidates for President & campaign financial data
Minnesota: Secy of State Candidate Filings | Minnesota Campaign Finance Board
Olmsted County: Candidates | Candidate Campaign Finance Reports
Rochester City Clerk: City Candidates | Campaign Finance Reports
Contact the Rochester LWV
P.O. Box 6691
Rochester, Minnesota 55903
Click this link to for a printable member brochure to join or renew your League membership (local, state, & national) or to make a donation.
President - Anna Froehling
Past President - Jane Callahan
Secretary - Jane Callahan
Treasurer - Ginny Amundson
Directors At-Large: Amy Caucutt, Mary E. Jones, Walt Rothwell, Jan Strand, Dee Voldal